Adding Value through Independent & Objective Analysis

Our Mission

Specializing in forensic accounting and claim calculations for insurance and litigation purposes since 2008, we pledge to:

-Support businesses recovering from Business Interruption, Extra Expense and Increased Costs of Working (ICW) losses and/or investigating the misappropriation of assets; and

-Provide insurance underwriters with timely, accurate time element claim analyses and insightful reports to facilitate expedited review and settlement with the intent to ultimately reduce LAE.

Experts in Quantifying Business Interruption Losses due to :


Natural Disaster

Cyber Attack

Power Outages

Product Recall

Man-made: Looting & Accident

Covid 19

OUR Services

Business Interruption & Economic Damages Calculations

Inventory and Extra Expense Valuations


Document Extraction & Examination

Fraud & Fidelity – Financial Investigations

Contractor Monitoring & Invoice Review

Insurance Renewals